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エリザベト音楽大学演奏学科声楽専攻および同大学院修士課程修了。パリのエコール・ノルマル音楽院にて最高課程である高等コンサーティスト科ディプロムを審査員満場一致の首席にて取得し卒業。またトゥール地方音楽院や多数のマスタークラスにてバロック声楽を学ぶ。国内外でモンテヴェルディ、ペルゴレージ、バッハ、ヘンデル、モーツァルト、メンデルスゾーンなど数多くの教会音楽作品のソロやアンサンブルを行う。これまで、フラワーフェスティバル開会式「花ぐるま」演奏、新進演奏家育成プロジェクトにて広島交響楽団と共演、マツダスタジアムにて国歌斉唱、韓国にてInternational Music Expo出演、San Sebastian 公式イベント・Japan Expo in Paris出演、パリ中央室内楽団と共演する。日本、ウィーン、スイス、ベルリン、ルクセンブルク、フランス各地にて著名な教授陣のもとマスタークラスにて研鑽を積む。第19回大阪国際音楽コンクール歌曲部門Age-U部門第2位。第21回九州音楽コンクール声楽一般部門審査員特別賞、受賞記念コンサートにおいてANA賞受賞。Hiroshima Bach Soloists、ATOWAメンバー。昨年秋に4年間の留学を終えて帰国。

Shiho Nakagawa was born in Hiroshima, and her grandparents are Hibakusya. She graduated from the Hiroshima Jogakuin Junior & Senior High School. She majored in vocal music at the Elisabeth University of Music and its master’s course. While studying at the university, she was selected as a soloist for the Christmas Concert, Graduation Concert and Rookie Concert. She also studied at the Vienna international music seminar, the Arosa international music course and the master classes in Berlin.She has performed in many solos of sacred music - Bach’s “St John Passion”, Handel’s “Messiah” and Mozart’s “Requiem”, Mendelssohn's"Elias" etc. She held recitals in Hiroshima and Tokyo. She also gave concerts with the “Hibaku Piano (survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima)” accompaniment in various places. In 2012, she appeared in the opening ceremony of the 36th Flower Festival in Hiroshima. In 2013, she performed with the Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra at the rising musicians encourage project. In 2014, she sang the national anthem of Japan at the professional baseball game of Hiroshima Toyo Carp vs. Yomiuri Giants, appeared at the Myongji University International Music Expo in Korea, performed with the Centre de Musique de Chambre de Paris. She also continues to develop her activities aggressively as a member of “ATOWA (including Japanese traditional instruments players)”
Currently, she is a student at the École Normale de Musique de Paris and Concervatoire de Francis Poulenc de Tours in France.

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